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The most powerful, capable, and easy-to-use 3D simulation software. FlexSim lets you model—and improve—existing and proposed systems.

3D Simulation

Tell the story of your system…

Model Layout

Simple, accurate, and stunning

Model Building

Ease-of-use meets capability and power

Model Analysis

Understanding in a virtual environment


Test “what if” scenarios to make the right moves

3D Simulation 

FlexSim comes with all the proven benefits of discrete-event simulation—but with the added bonus of highly realistic, immersive 3D graphics.

FlexSim’s 3D models help you emulate the look and feel of the real system, so it’s easier to see and understand what’s going on.

Examples of 3D simulation

xMarkVisual Validation

The first level of model validation, where you visually confirm that the system is working—or not working—as it was intended to.

  • Model a real system in our native 3D virtual environment.
  • Account for real-world variability with FlexSim’s vast array of statistical distributions and random numbers.
  • Run simulation using the model to test “what if” scenarios—without needing to change things in the real world.

Model Layout

FlexSim makes it as easy as possible to replicate the look of your system while preserving the details necessary for accurate analysis.

Just use the simple drag-and-drop controls to place objects and resources directly into the 3D environment—no post-processing needed!

Our 3-axis layout and CAD drawing import help you maintain the exact spatial relationships in the actual system, so travel and transport times will be accurate.
Our 3-axis layout and CAD drawing import help you maintain the exact spatial relationships in the actual system, so travel and transport times will be accurate.
Import custom 3D objects to replicate the look and feel of the actual system. Plus all realistic visual effects, like shadows and lighting effects, are ready to go by default.
Import custom 3D objects to replicate the look and feel of the actual system. Plus all realistic visual effects, like shadows and lighting effects, are ready to go by default.

Model Building

FlexSim toes the line between ease-of-use and capability to model even the most complex systems.

The Standard Object Library contains a variety of objects that be used to immediately build models. Customization is simple—just choose from the preconfigured behaviors, mix-and-match options, and even create your own behaviors.
The Standard Object Library contains a variety of objects that be used to immediately build models. Customization is simple—just choose from the preconfigured behaviors, mix-and-match options, and even create your own behaviors.
A wide range of drop-down lists and properties will allow you to quickly customize individual objects, triggers, and system properties. Simply check a box or choose a “picklist” option, and your resource will gain the logic and behavior to emulate any real-world situation.
A wide range of drop-down lists and properties will allow you to quickly customize individual objects, triggers, and system properties. Simply check a box or choose a “picklist” option, and your resource will gain the logic and behavior to emulate any real-world situation.
Process Flow is one of our latest tools and a real game-changer. Use pre-built activity blocks to build basic or complex logic in a familiar flowcharting environment. It keeps the logic in one convenient place and scales well with any model as it changes and evolves.
Process Flow is one of our latest tools and a real game-changer. Use pre-built activity blocks to build basic or complex logic in a familiar flowcharting environment. It keeps the logic in one convenient place and scales well with any model as it changes and evolves.

Additional Customization

FlexSim comes with a powerful scripting language, FlexScript; this C-like language is the gateway to hundreds of modeling commands that will allow you to write simple expressions that do incredible things. FlexSim was also designed with an open architecture that fully integrates with C++, so it can be extended to do almost anything.

Help in a variety of ways

  • Good old-fashioned phone support
  • A growing community knowledge base and Q&A site (FlexSim Answers)
  • Well-maintained documentation with extensive tutorials
  • Videos with tips, tricks, and more

Model Analysis

Once you’re ready to simulation using your model, our full suite of analysis features will help you get a deeper understanding of what’s going on.

  • A deep roster of charts and graphs to help you visualize data from a simulation run.
  • The ability to track a wide range of data points and then export to your favorite spreadsheet application.
  • Greater flexibility for data gathering through powerful tools like the Stats Collector object and Zone activity.

xMarkStatistical Validation

The second level of model validation, where you evaluate data from one or many simulation runs to verify that the system is operating as expected.


Where the money is made (or saved)! Test “what if” scenarios to find the best possible choices to make in the real world.

Optimization with FlexSim

FlexSim + OptQuest

If you want to add optimization to your toolkit, FlexSim is fully integrated with the OptQuest engine. This powerful scenario optimization package lets you set variables and constraints on your model to evaluate hundreds of possible solutions. You can even design experiments with multiple objectives to consider competing forces in the system. Find the best possible solution for your process with FlexSim and OptQuest.
Experimentation with FlexSim

Test Multiple Scenarios

Use our powerful Experimenter tool to test multiple scenarios and compare the results. Replications are spread over your CPU cores, so hundreds of simulated replications across many different scenarios can be completed in minutes—not hours or days. The Experimenter also includes report generation and control over variables and performance measures.

Ready to try FlexSim? Sign up now to try our simulation software, free of charge!